Electrical Engineering Consultant
Employment Type Full-time
Education Level Master’s Degree
9 years in Oman +2years in UAE + 3 years in Sudan.
Oilfields Expert in Electricity and Instrumentation Also Telecoms, Instruments engineering in oil and gas companies 9 years .in Oman.my total experience is +14 years experience in Engineering and management.
Engineer ,I've Bachelor Degree of Electrical engineering and Master Degree in Electrical and Electronic engineering. +14 years experience 9years in sultanate oman in Electricity and in oil and gas I've all PDO and OXY oilfields licences and Oman driving licence
2years in UAE .in electricity and construction works
Teaching Experience
I've 4 years as teacher in Cairo university Sudanese branch (Alneelain university) faculty of engineering
EXPERIENCE Electricity
Experience with Mazon,Muscat , RECO , Majan, Omani Electrical Companies. DCRB.
supply and installation of meters for houses, buildings and factories(single phase , 3 phase & C.T energy meter).
Inspect house wiring & provide report.
Installation of lighting poles.
Electrical connections of buildings.
The process of connecting cables.
Moving electric poles and lighting poles.
Installation and maintenance of alarms and surveillance cameras.
Extension of distribution lines and building services for 415V.
Extension of 11 kv air lines and ground cables.
Construction of 11 / 0.415 kV stations with switch gears & transformer.
Supply and installation of mini feeder pillar, Up to 11kv power cables & OHL Line.
Supply and installation of lighting Pole's and fitting.
Electronic and Instrumentation. In oil and gas fields
I've experience as site manager in Saiwan and Farha and shahd desert of oman. Oil and Gas fields. CCED Oman
.Installation FGS systems FD. GD.TG. FGD. HD. LOS..BEACON SEARN.
Testing and calibration instruments. .
Pressure valve.
Measurements level sensors.
Power lv Box and cabling.
Data Box for signalling and instruments to Main cabinet.
Buildings electricity Substations HV MV LV.
Panels and distributors Feedbillar.
Cabling trough the manhole and cable trays.
HVAC & Duct systems & pumping
BMS . ICT.. CCTV...FTTH.fiber optics.
revit BEM
Fire fighting and fire alarms systems.
Mobile data and telephony PBX
Management experience.
It's my current position.
Develop companies and upgrade to Grade A and B Due DCRP Policy.
Schedule programs and projects during the arrangements of plans.
Strategies for implementing the projects according to the Time table of Finalized stages. .
I was working as Electrical Engineer Consultant 4 years in Sudanese Company in Government Development Projects of Sudan.. also I'm working in UAE Consultancy company International company as Consultant in Electrical Engineering Department. By contract 6 month for Omantel Projects ..Make quotation of BOQ for tenders , IR ,MIR, MS, Materials Inspection , Inspection Request Method Statement, Single Line Diagram, Drawing, Load calculations ,Cable Rate, sizing, Meggering, test , commissioning, etc.
I finished half of my contract so I prepared myself for new challenges.
Certificates and Training
PTW certificate
H2S card.
Safety certificates HSE
First Aid
Omantel Access
Oman Driving licence. 944
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تنفيذي أول (رئيس مجلس إدارة، مدير تنفيذي)
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